Saturday, 29 September 2007

Depression: a Guide

A Step by Step Guide to Feeling Depressed

It occured to me while I was washing a week's worth of piled up dishes today that it would be useful to list all the thoughts and beliefs that contribute to making me feel so unmotivated and depressed. I had a quick flick through How to Win Friends and Influence People last night and Mr Carnegie makes a very good point in a preliminary chapter on how the human mind is so utterly useless at retaining information and how we must revise things on a regular basis in order that we don't forget them entirely.

The list:
  1. Be harsh, critical and punishing with yourself especially about past events
  2. Play back painful past events over and over in your mind reliving the emotions
  3. Take a completely unsympathetic view of yourself, your actions and life
  4. Call yourself names, caricaturing yourself by focusing on some negative quality or action
  5. Take a simplistic unsympathetic view of all things devoid of nuance
  6. Sit at home neglecting yourself, avoiding enjoyable activities and human contact
  7. Do nothing productive whatsoever, instead sit in your own mess wallowing endlessly
  8. Make your happiness dependent upon the approval and esteem of others
  1. Be gentle and understanding with yourself, you're a human
  2. Beating yourself up about past events = depression, nothing more. Stop it.
  3. Take a sympathetic understanding view of yourself, you're human
  4. Remember that humans are a complex mix of positive negative and neutral
  5. Remember that things are never as simple as they seem - many factors are at play
  6. Do things that you enjoy and work on building a heathly social circle
  7. Be productive, have realistic goals, keep yourself occupied
  8. Approval addiction = dangerously vulnerable junky-like state. End it now.

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